You. An app to help You stay on track.

This is a case study for a product that is meant to help users take their medications on time through reminders, and visual calendars, all in combination to help them stay on track.
The product: 

This product is meant to help users take their medications on time through reminders and visual calendars to help them stay on track.

The problem: 
A lot of my friends are on a variety of medications, and the most common thing I hear is, “ugh, I forgot to take my meds today.” Taking meds on time and in the proper dosages is essential to keep yourself balanced. 
The goal: 
My goal is to help people who struggle remembering their meds to give them plenty of ways to help them remember. This app will have visual responses and fun ways of keeping you on track.
Digital Wireframes

I wanted to implement a fun interactive way of reminding people to take their meds. This layout offered us the ability to add a countdown, a fun notification when you take the meds, and a summary of your progress during the week. 

The user wanted a space to save important contact info like their primary doctors and pharmacies, plus we added a messaging feature for reminders/updates on prescriptions.

High Fidelity Prototype
I implemented a lot of user feedback with the buttons added a medication page, messaging, and contacts. These pages are all connected through a series of buttons and navigation icons.
Responsive Design

I made designs for three sizes, desktop, mobile, and iPad. It was easily scaled because I separated my information into boxes.
Prototype Walkthrough
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